Modern Psychedelics

021 | Jinica Torrez: From Suicidal Ideation to Soul Liberation with Iboga

Episode Summary

Join us in welcoming Jinica Torrez to the mic today! You are about to learn through the sharing of her journey what beautiful light she is. From the age of 13, Jinica experience traumatic sexual abuse, and history repeated itself when she found herself in an unwilling sexual relationship with a shaman. From almost taking her own life to finding Iboga, Jinica has risen from the ashes like a phoenix. TW: This conversation contains dialogue around childhood sexual abuse and suicidal ideation.

Episode Notes

Join us in welcoming Jinica Torrez to the mic today! You are about to learn through the sharing of her journey what beautiful light she is. From the age of 13, Jinica experienced traumatic sexual abuse, and history repeated itself when she found herself in an unwilling sexual relationship with a shaman later in life. From almost taking her own life to finding Iboga, Jinica has risen from the ashes like a phoenix. TW: This conversation contains dialogue around childhood sexual abuse and suicidal ideation.

What we talked about:

Mentioned in the episode: