Modern Psychedelics

060 | My Experience with Shipibo Ayahuasca: Learning to Trust My Gut (at Reunion Experience)

Episode Summary

In this episode, I am sharing about my first experience sitting with Shipibo Ayahuasca, and my first time working with a direct lineage. This was a completely new medicine and experience for me, and despite my disconnection with Ayahuasca, I had a very powerful experience.

Episode Notes

PUBLISHERS NOTE: As of January 2024, I can no longer recommend Reunion as a place to experience plant medicine. See full statement HERE.

In this episode, I am sharing about my first experience sitting with Shipibo Ayahuasca, and my first time working with a direct lineage. This was a completely new medicine and experience for me, and despite going feeling disconnected to Ayahuasca, I had a very powerful and beautiful experience.

After 30+ sits with a different lineage of this medicine, I finally got to meet the spirit of Ayahuasca. I received so many beautiful treasures and gifts about trusting myself, healing my gut, and how to walk in reverence and respect.

What I talked about: