Modern Psychedelics

069 | Bridging Indigenous Ayahuasca w/ The West at An Ethical Psychedelic Retreat

Episode Summary

Ayahuasca and Psilocybin-containing mushrooms are a beautiful gift to humanity. As we explore these medicines in the West, we need to remember that we are entering a cultural paradigm that is different from our own. In this interview with Sr. Program Directors at Reunion Experience, we explore how we can show up to medicine in a good way.

Episode Notes

PUBLISHERS NOTE: As of January 2024, I can no longer recommend Reunion as a place to experience plant medicine. See full statement HERE. This does not pertain to the guests in the episode, whom I still endorse as medicine providers.

Ayahuasca and Psilocybin-containing mushrooms are a beautiful gift to humanity. As we explore these medicines in the West, we need to remember that we are entering a cultural paradigm that is different from our own. In this interview with Sr. Program Directors at Reunion Experience, we explore how we can show up to medicine in a good way.

If you want to enter medicine spaces with respect, reverence, and reciprocity for the cultures that these medicines come from, this conversation is for you. This convo is extremely valuable for current or aspiring space holders in the world of plant medicine, AND, for participants in plant medicine circles. 

I had an opportunity to visit Reunion in Costa Rica, and realized that it's a truly special place. The fact that it's a not for profit center is the tip of the iceberg. Medicine is truly guiding the way the Reunion team operates: With deep humility, grace, reverence and respect for the cultures, plant teachers, and the Way of Nature.

Karina and Julian are not speaking on behalf of any of the lineages they work with, rather from their experiences as students and cultural bridges.

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