Modern Psychedelics

075 | What’s Changed in My Life 6 Months After Shipibo Ayahuasca (Integration Update)

Episode Summary

After 30+ ayahuasca journeys, I finally got to experience the Shipibo medicine with a direct lineage. It was a beautiful experience and a lot has changed for me since then. Overall, I feel ligher, brighter, and more comfortable in my skin. In this episode, I am giving you an integration update: what exactly has changed for me, what steps have I taken to integrate the insights, and what's different about me as a person?

Episode Notes

After 30+ ayahuasca journeys, I finally got to experience the Shipibo medicine with a direct lineage. It was a beautiful experience and a lot has changed for me since then. Overall, I feel ligher, brighter, and more comfortable in my skin. In this episode, I am giving you an integration update: what exactly has changed for me, what steps have I taken to integrate the insights, and what's different about me as a person?

I hope this episode inspire you to continue to learn and grow with plant medicines. I started sitting with ayahuasca years ago when I was totally broken, and even though I am not in that place anymore, the plants continue to teach and guide me. No matter where we are in our journey, the plants have so much to teach us.

If you haven't listened to the journey reports, check out episode 60 & 64 (linked in the show notes). Thank you to Reunion and their team for facilitating a transformative and important experience in my life. To learn more about Reunion, a not for profit medicine center, listen to episode 69 and check out their website (linked in show notes).

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