Modern Psychedelics

082 | What It Takes To Become an Excellent Psychedelic Coach w/ Being True To You

Episode Summary

As the psychedelic space is growing, demand for trained professionals is expected to increase. One way to work in the psychedelic space is as a coach, like myself. With so many coach trainings out there now, it can be hard to choose the best one, which is why I’ve done that for you! I am thrilled to announce that I am going through the Being True To You coach training this year, and sharing the entire journey with you.

Episode Notes

As the psychedelic space is growing, demand for trained professionals is expected to increase. One way to work in the psychedelic space is as a coach, like myself. With so many coach trainings out there now, it can be hard to choose the best one, which is why I’ve done that for you! I am thrilled to announce that I am going through the Being True To You coach training this year, and sharing the entire journey with you.

Today’s guest is Deanne Adamson, the founder and CEO of Being True To You, which she started 14 years ago. Being True To You provides both coaching services and comprehensive coach training for the psychedelic space. Deanne has a masters in mental health and counseling and over the last 10 years has found her passion and mission to help people transcend states of suffering through personal transformation.

This episode is a real treat for anyone thinking about taking the leap into becoming a psychedelic preparation and integration coach. We cover the Being True To You program, the potential of the coaching industry, and what it takes to be a true pro at the coaching profession. If you’d like to join me in the Spring 2024 cohort, use the link below to get in touch with their team and use LANA for $250 off.

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