Modern Psychedelics

071 | From “Not Enough” to Authentically Me: Neurodivergence, Cannabis, Psychedelic Parenting & Creativity

Episode Summary

Parents, artists, and my neurodivergent community... This one is for you! Welcome to The Journey: A podcast series that shines a light on real people on their psychedelic journey. This weeks guest is Karen De Luca: A visionary artist, photographer and mom. Karen shares her story of how she shifted from "who I am is not enough" to being at peace with her authentic self.

Episode Notes

Parents, artists, and my neurodivergent community... This one is for you! Welcome to The Journey: A podcast series that shines a light on real people on their psychedelic journey. This weeks guest is Karen De Luca: A visionary artist, photographer and mom. Karen shares her story of shifting from "not enough" to being at peace with her authentic self.

Karen's journey is massively inspiring for anyone who is stuck is low self worth patterns of thinking and the associated behaviours. This can often feel like feeling stuck or unsure of yourself. Karen has taken the call to find and express herself very seriously. 

She shares with us how cannabis and her connection to nature have been an supportive allies for embracing (rather than rejecting) her neurodivergence. Today, Karen lives motivated by joy, rather than fear. As a result, she operates her life and her business from a place of love, collaboration, and connection. Get ready to be inspired and motivated by this impressive woman. She gives us all permission to be exactly who we are; whoever that may be. 

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