Modern Psychedelics

096 | Psychedelic Pharmacology 101: Contradictions & Tapering Guidelines You Should Know w/ Ben Malcolm (AKA The Spirit Pharmacist)

Episode Summary

In this episode, Ben Malcolm (the Spirit Pharmacist) brings us into the intersection of psychedelics and pharmacology. We discuss practical considerations, such as guidelines for safely tapering off SSRIs before embarking on a psychedelic experience and navigating contraindications between psychedelics and antidepressants.

Episode Notes

In this episode, Ben Malcolm (the Spirit Pharmacist) brings us into the intersection of psychedelics and pharmacology. We discuss practical considerations, such as guidelines for safely tapering off SSRIs before embarking on a psychedelic experience and navigating contraindications between psychedelics and antidepressants.

Throughout the conversation, Ben offers valuable insights into crafting tapering protocols, including the intricacies of microdosing and potential risks like valvular heart disease associated with psilocybin mushrooms. We explore various facets of psychedelic use, including important considerations like drug interactions and the reintroduction of substances post-Iboga/Ibogaine treatment. Ben sheds light some light on the enigmatic reactivations associated with 5-MeO-DMT and the complex interplay between cannabis and psychedelics.

This conversation provides a comprehensive guide for listeners navigating the terrain where psychedelics meet pharmaceuticals, offering valuable insights and considerations for safe and transformative experiences.

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